My pizza has virus!

Hey guys! I got some reports in this beacuse has a trojan or some people has almost lost his pc

only 2 guys has the problem:

SSNSonic: Cool guy and chill:

I gotta say sorry but i responded that the trojan is fake ok, how bad can this happen?

-Infante The Penguin (creator of the pizza tower resonated builds)

Get Pizza Tower Resonated


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im not tr- IM NOT DOWNLOADING THIS IM BE SADLY FOR  WHEN PC HAVE VIRUSES im not have antivirus for saving my pc

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Download an Antivirus

no thx i have just saving disk for tr2 for steam 

Team Rotten 2 or Team Fortress 2 you saying but glad you're saving your disk

team fortress 2 

oh ok

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it just thinks the file is a trojan or some sorts

its still safe

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I know it The Noise, I know that the Trojans are fake, also is my Birthday!

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Thank you